The Czech Republic became a separate state in 1993 after Czechoslovakia split into two countries. It is located in Central Europe. As of 2012, the most important sectors of the Czech Republic’s economy were industry (31.0 %), wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (19.5 %) and public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (15.3 %). Main partners for export and import are Germany, Slovakia and Poland.
Geographical size
78 866.2 km²
10 505 445 (2012)
Population as % of total EU population
2.1 % (2012)
€ 152.926 billion (2012)
Official EU language(s)
Political system
Parliamentary republic
EU member country since
1 May 2004
Seats in the European Parliament
Czech koruna (CZK)
Schengen area member
Yes, Schengen Area member since 1 May 2004.
Presidency of the Council
The Czech Republic has held the revolving presidency of the Council of the EU once in 2009.