Austria is a country covered in mountains, largely because of its location at the eastern end of the Alps. These mountains cover most of the western and southern parts of Austria. The eastern provinces however are in the Danube Basin, much lower than the mountains. Wholesale, retail trade transport, accommodation and food services (22.3 %), industry (21.8%) and public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (17.7 %), is the most important sectors of Austria’s economy (2012). Austria has partnered with Germany, Italy and the US for export and Germany, Italy and Switzerland for import.
Geographical size
83 879.0 km²
8 408 121 (2012)
Population as % of total EU population
1.7 % (2012)
€ 307 billion (2012)
Official EU language(s)
Political system
Federal parliamentary republic
EU member country since
1 January 1995
Seats in the European Parliament
Euro, member since 1 January 1999
Schengen area member
Yes, since 28 April 1995
Presidency of the Council
Austria has held the revolving presidency of the Council of the EU twice: in 1998 and 2006. The next time will be in 2019.