Cyprus is the largest island in the eastern Mediterranean. However, it is the third smallest country in the EU. Cyprus joined the EU as a de facto divided island, nevertheless the whole country is still EU territory. Even Turkish Cypriots are EU citizens because they are citizens of an EU country, which is the Republic of Cyprus. Even though they live in a part of Cyprus which is not under any government control. As of 2012, the most important sectors of Cyprus’ economy were wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (23.5 %) public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (21.8 %) and real estate (11.5 %). Cyrpus’ main export partners are Greece, the UK and the US. Their main import partners are Greece, Israel and the UK.
Geographical size
9251.0 km²
862 011 (2012)
Population as % of total EU population
0.2 % (2012)
€ 17.72 billion (2012)
Official EU language(s)
Political system
Parliamentary republic
EU member country since
1 May 2004
Seats in the European Parliament
Croatian Kuna HRK
Schengen area member
No, Croatia is not a member of the Schengen Area.
Presidency of the Council
Croatia has so far not held the revolving presidency of the Council of the EU.