The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is surrounded by Belgium to the west, France to the south and Germany to the east. The country is literally blocked in, and per capita is the richest country in the EU. It is also one of EU’s smallest countries, comprised of rolling hills and forests. The most major areas of Luxembourg’s economy in 2012 were the financial and insurance activities (24.7%), wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (17.8%) and public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (15.7%). Both for export and import, Luxembourg’s main partners are Belgium, Germany and France.
Geographical size
2586 km2
524 853 (2012)
Population as % of total EU population
0.1 % (2012)
€ 42.918 billion (2012)
Official EU language(s)
French, German
Political system
Parliamentary constitutional monarchy
EU member country since
25 March 1957
Seats in the European Parliament
Eurozone member since 1 January 1999
Schengen area member
Yes, Schengen Area member since 14 June 1985.
Presidency of the Council
Luxembourg held the revolving presidency of the Council of the EU 11 times between 1960 and 2005. The next time will be in 2015.